This page shows a summary of weather data in Seville from 00:00 hours, yesterday, local time.
Temperature / Humidity | ||
Maximum Temperature | 18,8 °C | 17:42 |
Minimum Temperature | 13,9 °C | 23:59 |
Average Temperature | 17,2 °C | |
Temperature Range | 4,9 °C | |
High Dew Point | 16,8 °C | 16:44 |
Low Dew Point | 9,9 °C | 23:59 |
Heat Index | 18,8 °C | 17:42 |
Wind Chill | 13,9 °C | 23:59 |
High Apparent Temperature | 18,3 °C | 17:52 |
Low Apparent Temperature | 12,7 °C | 23:59 |
High Humidity | 96 % | 07:36 |
Low Humidity | 72 % | 21:46 |
Rainfall | ||
Rainfall Yesterday | 6,2 mm | |
High Hourly Rainfall | 2,0 mm | 07:04 |
High Rainfall Rate | 4,4 mm/hr | 06:48 |
Wind | ||
High Wind Gust | 48 km/h | 14:28 |
High Wind | 25 km/h | 14:38 |
Dominant Wind Direction | OSO - 247º | |
Barometer | ||
High Pressure | 1025,3 hPa | 00:00 |
Low Pressure | 1025,3 hPa | 00:00 | Other data of interest |
Heating Degree Days | 1,1 | |
Cooling Degree Days | 0,0 | |
Solar Radiation | 322 W/m2 | 15:05 |
Hours of sunshine | 1,6 |